
Private Lessons

Block of 10 - four month valid  590€
Block of 5 - two months valid  305€
Private lesson   63€
Duet lessons at the Reformer       per person  32€

Group Mat classes

10 sessions - continuous course  170€
Introductory courses - 2 sessions  44€

All session last 50 to 55 minutes. Please arrive in time before the start of each session.

The language of instruction in group lessons is German, individual and duet lessons can be taught in English or French.

Block Offers & Validity

Blocks are neither refundable nor transferable to other persons.

Cancellation of private lessons

From an organizational perspective, a cancellation of private lessons is required no later than 24 hours before the start of training, otherwise they will be billed. In the case of spontaneous illness (acute headache, etc.), I offer reimbursement by voucher (one-month validity) for participation in a group mat hour.